Email Marketing

Email Marketing






Biz Print and Promo Partners with IContant for email


With iContact 4.0, you can easily create, send, and track email newsletters, RSS feeds, autoresponders, and surveys!
All the sophisticated email marketing features you need at a price you’ll love.


With iContact’s extensive features, you can easily create Email Messages, send them to your subscribers, and track their performance. When you apply Autoresponders to your email marketing campaign, you can stay at the forefront of your customer’s mind with automatic messages based on timed sequences or customer actions. Surveying provides you, the marketer a platform to collect data from your customers and iContact provides you with the real-time results of your data.

RSS Feeds are the latest direct online communication tool. Your customers will immediately receive your most recent messages when they sign up for your RSS feed. iContact is a leading on-demand email marketing service. icontact allows organizations of all sizes to easily create, send, and track email newsletters, RSS feeds, blogs, surveys, and autoresponders.

Standard Features (Included free with your account!)

    Mail-merge Personalization
    Bounce-back Handling
    WYSIWYG Newsletter Editor
    Message Scheduling
    Assured CAN-SPAM Compliance
    Open and Click Through Tracking
    Subscription Management
    Over 300 Templates Included


Advanced Features (Also included free with your account!)

    List Segmentation
    Multiple Message Autoresponder
    Integrated Surveying
    RSS Feeds
    Advanced Analytics
    Event Management
    Industry Leading Deliverability
    Public Newsletter Archives


Learn about email marketing with Biz Print and Promo and iContact