DS Action: Touching Lives, Inspiring Dreams, Taking Action

Touching Lives, Inspiring Dreams, Taking Action

It’s hard to believe that we have been serving the Down syndrome community for over 14 years.  What started out as a friendly dinner gathering at a parent’s home in 2006, lead us to opening the 1st Down syndrome medical center in Southern California, with our partners at Rady Children’s Hospital in January 2008.  

Over the years, we have listened to the needs of our community and continue to take action, inspire change and create opportunities on behalf of people with Down syndrome and their families.  Help us to continue the work that we do, by taking a few minutes to complete this survey.  Thank you!

We are parents, grandparents, doctors, educators, registered nurses, social workers and other business professionals interested in improving the quality of life of all people with Down syndrome.

DS Action holds quarterly meetings in San Diego to identify the unmet needs of people with Down syndrome and to find creative solutions to meeting those needs.

As an example, DS Action determined that many children with Down syndrome do not receive the same level of recommended medical and developmental care, and that parents often find it difficult to get referrals to a variety of available intervention services.

To meet this need, DS Action worked to establish a Down Syndrome Center, where all children with Down syndrome would have an equal opportunity of receiving recommended evaluations, referrals and intervention services. Working with Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego, DS Action has made this idea a reality.

The Down Syndrome Center is a much needed resource to the entire region of Southern California as well as neighboring jurisdictions including Mexico.

DS Action is affiliated with the National Down Syndrome Society(NDSS) and National Down Syndrome Congress(NDSC).


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[extra_fields]Touching Lives, Inspiring Dreams, Taking Action